CrossView student ministries is a place for kids to be kids, understand and grow their faith in Jesus, all while building a community of peer believers and mentor adults around them!
The Loft youth
The Loft is the middle school youth group here at CrossView Church. During our time we play games in the gym, and the fireside room. Then we move up to the Loft where we sing songs of worship, have small group conversations and listen to a message about Jesus!
When: Sundays 5-7 PM Where: CrossView Church, in the Gym and the Loft
Rooted Youth
Rooted is the High school youth group here at CrossView Church. We use our time together focusing on being rooted in the Word of God, our relationship with Jesus, and the community we have around us. Our goal is to equip high schoolers to be active and contributing members of community while having a thriving relationship with Jesus.
During our time we have dinner together, play games in the Big Room, hear a topical message about being a Christian teen trying to live a John 10:10 life, and have small group conversations about the message!
When: Thursdays 6-8 PM Where: CrossView Church, in the Big Room
The Rooted Youth Instagram page is the best place to stay up to date on high school youth!
The Loft Youth Instagram page is the best place to stay up to date on middle school youth!
Contact Family Life Director Justus Cagle at (425)-760-5591 or via email at
Medical/Liability Release Form - January 1, 2024 - January 1, 2025 (Needed for CrossView Student Ministry Events)
Contact CrossView Church for more information.