Sermon on the Mount Series - Current Series
Unrighteous Anger - Sermon on the Mount Series:
As we continue our Sermon on the Mount Series, we look at what Jesus says about Anger and how that might apply to our daily life. We hope you will be encouraged.
Fulfilling the Plan - Sermon on the Mount Series:
This week, we examine Jesus as the culmination of God's work in the world and what it means when he says our righteousness must be better than the righteousness of the Law and the Pharisees. We hope you will be encouraged.
Don’t Be Road Dust - Sermon on the Mount Series:
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus uses two helpful metaphors to describe the impact his followers should have on the world at large - salt and light. Join us as we look at these two ideas.
Characteristics of the Kingdom - Sermon on the Mount Series:
This Sunday we take a closer look at the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. Jesus both challenges his listeners and instructs them about the culture of the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be encouraged.
A New Way To Be Human - Sermon on the Mount Series:
This Sunday we begin a new Sermon Series on the Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Holly will introduce the series by examining the first part of this important teaching from Jesus.
Freedom Sunday 2025 - With Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin:
Freedom Sunday is a day of lament, prayer, hope, learning, and action as we join churches around the world in seeking to end the tragic injustice of human trafficking. The founder and Director of The Set Free Movement, Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin, brings a powerful message and an important challenge.
Guest Preacher: Pastor David Hicks
Pastor David Hicks - God’s Big Table:
Pastor David Hicks shares a powerful message on the ministry of Jesus and how the idea of God's Big Table shapes how we think and challenges us to live full of grace to those around us. We hope you will be encouraged.
Advent 2024
Christmas Sunday 2024 - The Light of Christ at Christmas:
This Sunday Pastor Kyle discusses the idea of Christ as the light of the world seen throughout scripture, and what that means for our daily living.
A Love That Transforms - Advent 2024:
In the final week of Advent we look at several scriptures that highlight God’s love for us and call us to a life lived in love toward other people. We hope you will be encouraged.
The Joy of God’s Presence - Advent 2024:
For the third week of Advent we look at a powerful Old Testament passage that looks forward to the coming of Jesus and calls all people to rejoice.
Proclamation of Peace - Advent 2024:
This week we talk about how to experience Peace in uncertainty by looking at the moment Mary's life was interrupted by the angel Gabriel with a very unexpected announcement.
Hope as an Anchor - Advent 2024:
We kick off the season of Advent celebrating the Hope we have in Christ. This week we look at a passage in Hebrews that gives us a help way to understand Hope we find in Jesus.
The Way Of Jesus Series
Witness - The Way of Jesus:
This week we welcome Pastor Kyle back and will hear from him as he shares about the practice of Witness. We hope you will be encouraged!
Community - The Way of Jesus:
This week Pastor Scott teaches on how Jesus’ practices of Community set an example for the church that we can continue to follow in our relationships today.
Service - The Way of Jesus:
This Sunday we explore how the practice of Service forms us in humility to be like Jesus. We hope you will be encouraged.
Scripture - The Way of Jesus:
Pastor Nikki Rossiter teaches on the importance of engaging with Scripture as a formative practice in the Christian life. We hope you are encouraged by this week’s sermon.
Generosity - The Way of Jesus:
This week we look at the practice of Generosity. Jesus had a lot to say about the spirit and practice of Generosity in the life of his disciples. We will look together a story Jesus told from Luke 12. We hope you'll be encouraged.
Fasting - The Way of Jesus:
This Sunday we discuss Fasting, a practice that can be powerfully transformative as we follow Jesus. We hope you will be encouraged.
Solitude - The Way of Jesus:
This week we hear from Pastor Holly as she teaches on the practice of Solitude. Acknowledging this practice is difficult in the noise and business of our world Pastor Holly highlights its importance in the life of Jesus and offers us all some practical tips. We hope you’ll be encouraged this week.
Sabbath - The Way of Jesus:
This week, we’ll explore one of Jesus’ most essential yet often overlooked commandments in today’s culture: the Sabbath. Come and discover how this practice can bring rest and renewal to your life. We hope you’ll be encouraged this week.
Prayer - The Way of Jesus:
This Sunday we look at Luke 11 and the first practice in the Way of Jesus - prayer. Jesus gave his disciples a prayer to shape their theology and help them know how to say as they learn how to pray like He did.
Abide In Me - The Way Of Jesus:
This Sunday, we will look at John 15 and a key first step we take as apprentices to Jesus. We hope you will be encouraged.
Come Follow Me - The Way Of Jesus Series:
This week we begin a new message series called The Way of Jesus. This fall, we will focus on building a culture of spiritual formation at CrossView as we dive deeper into the practices of following Jesus. We are thrilled about this direction, and we can't wait for week one.
Summer In The Psalms 2024
Guest Speaker: Thom & Sherry Cahill:
We hear from guest speakers Thom and Sherry Cahill. Thom and Sherry work with Free Methodist World Missions in Asia. They help with strategic planning, coaching, mentoring, and leadership development. We hope you will be encouraged by what they share.
Summer In The Psalms - Psalm 143:
In the final week of our Summer Psalms series we look together at Psalm 143. The focus of this Psalm will leave us encouraged and thanking God for his faithfulness. We hope you will be encouraged.
Summer In The Psalms - Psalm 103:
This week, we look at Psalm 103, a wonderful song of praise and worship. It is also a Psalm inviting us into a tender and moving moment with God as we reflect on his faithfulness to all creation. Join us this week as we learn together. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
Summer In the Psalms - Psalm 99:
This week we look at Psalm 99 and are reminded of the power of God's reign and rule and how that allows us to find rest and peace. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
Summer In the Psalms - Psalm 77:
Pastor David Hicks shares from Psalm 77, reminding us that the unresolved questions and struggles of our lives are often the places where hope and faith flourish. We hope you will be encouraged by the message this week.
Summer In the Psalms - Psalm 74:
Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin teaches from Psalm 74, highlighting the necessity and goodness of crying out to God in times of great hardship and suffering. We hope you will be encouraged by the message this week.
Summer In the Psalms - Psalm 67:
Psalm 67 helps us understand that God’s rescue of the world is meant for all people. Pastor Kyle helps us understand our part in the anthem song of God to the world. We hope you will be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.
Summer In The Psalms - Psalm 46:
This week we look at Psalm 46, a psalm that reminds us to take refuge in God when we find ourselves in troubled times. Pastor David Hicks shares this encouraging message of hope.
Summer In The Psalms - Psalm 34:
We continue our Summer In The Psalms series with a look at Psalm 34. We will dive into the background of this Psalm and be inspired by the words of David as he praises the Lord for bringing him through difficult times.
Summer In the Psalms - Psalm 3:
Join us as we begin our new sermon series in Psalms. We are looking forward to spending the summer working through this book and hope you will be encouraged in your walk with Jesus. We kick things off with Psalm 3.
Special Guest: Pastor David Hicks
This week we hear from Pastor David Hicks as he encourages us to turn aside from distractions and pay attention to the presence and voice of God in the midst of everyday life. We hope you will be encouraged.
Special Guest: Superintendent Daniel Sar
This week we hear from special guest Supt. Daniel Sar from Cambodia along with Dr. Darin Land to talk about the Free Methodist work in Asia and specifically in Cambodia. We hope you are encouraged by these powerful stories of what God is doing around the world.
Hebrews: The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever:
This week we end our series in the Book of Hebrews. We will look at how the practical advice given in chapter 13 sums up the entire letter so well. We hope you will be encouraged.
Hebrews: Looking To Jesus:
This week we dive into the most well-known chapter in the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 12. We will talk about how Jesus helps us maintain a life of faith. We hope you will be encouraged.
Hebrews: Passing On The Faith:
Pastor Holly shares a message from Hebrews 11 about passing on the faith from one generation to another. We hope you'll be encouraged this week.
Hebrews: Confident Hope:
This week we look at Hebrews 11 and try to understand the concept of faith and what that looks like in our daily life. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
Hebrews: In Tune With Hope:
This week, we will learn from the author of Hebrews we can face hardship and suffering with the help of Jesus. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
Hebrews: Understanding Melchizedek:
This Sunday we discuss Hebrews 7 and try to understand more about a person named, Melchizedek. He's important in Hebrews, but points to someone even more important. We hope your faith will be encouraged this week.
Hebrews: The Completed Work of Jesus:
As we celebrate two Baptisms, we will look at a passage from Hebrews 10 and discuss how it relates to the practice of Baptism and to Jesus' completed work in our life.
Hebrews: Renewing A Commitment to Discipleship:
This Sunday we dive into a passage where the author of Hebrews is challenging the early church to growth and maturity; this call is not only for the early church but for each of us and for the church today. We hope you'll be encouraged in your walk with Jesus.
Hebrews: Special Guest Pastor Mark Morrison:
This Sunday we continue our message series in the book of Hebrews. This week, we get the opportunity to hear from Pastor Mark Morrison as he teaches from Hebrews chapter 12. We know you will be encouraged by this powerful message.
Hebrews: Finding Rest Today:
This week Pastor Holly looks at what it means to find and live in God's rest today, even when our journey is hard. We hope you will be encouraged.
Hebrews: A Shining Reflection:
This week we begin a new message series in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews starts with a bang, highlighting the importance of Jesus and his role in our lives. We hope you will be encouraged.
Holy Week 2024
Easter Sunday 2024: Our Future Hope Now A Present Reality:
Happy Easter! Pastor Kyle shares a message from Luke and highlights what Jesus' resurrection means for us today. We hope you will be encouraged.
Palm Sunday 2024: A Triumph of Love:
We begin Holy Week 2024 by examining Jesus' triumphal entry in Luke 19. We hope you will be encouraged and find deep meaning this year as you follow Jesus on his journey to the cross.
The Book of Acts Series
The Book of Acts: The End Is A New Beginning:
For the final Sunday in our Acts Series we look at Acts 28 and reflect on how the story of Acts is ongoing in our lives and in our world. We hope this will encourage your faith.
The Book of Acts: Is Your God Too Small:
We hear from special guest Pastor David Hicks as he preaches from Acts 7 and encourages us to enlarge our perspective of God.
The Book of Acts: The Power of God:
This Sunday we look at a story from Acts 19 where Paul puts on display the power of God. We'll will think about what that means for our daily living. We hope you will be encouraged.
The Book of Acts - God Wants To Be Known:
No matter who you are the Gospel is transformative. This Sunday we look at a conversation Paul had with a group of Greek intellectuals in Acts 17. We hope you will be encouraged.
The Book of Acts - Building Something New:
This Sunday we look at how the early church addressed a major conflict and how Jesus brought new life in the midst of some major differences. We hope you will be encouraged.
The Book of Acts - The Importance of Prayer:
This Sunday we look at an important element of Peter's miraculous release from prison in Acts 12 and talk about the power of prayer.
Special Guests: Alan & Ammabellee Bacus:
This week we hear from Asia International Missionaries Alan and Ammabellee Bacus. Following his time as Free Methodist Bishop in the Philippines, Alan and Ammabellee joined the Asia Area missions team and envision mobilizing Free Methodist churches by intentionally planting community churches through campus ministry and forming disciple-making communities in Gateway cities in Asia.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 15:
As we continue in our Act series, we look at Acts 10, which is both a shocking and hope-filled chapter. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 14:
We are spending one more week with Saul in Acts 9 as we look at what he began to preach in Damascus just days after his encounter with Jesus on the road.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 13:
This week, we look at the story of a person seen only once in scripture, Ananias. We'll learn from him as he plays a vital role in Paul's life.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 12:
We are back to our Acts series following a break for Advent and Christmas as look at what is likely the most well-known conversion in all of scripture, when Saul becomes Paul. We can't wait to be together on the first Sunday of 2024.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 11:
This week we look at a wild story of Philip in Acts chapter eight. We are encouraged that the renewing work of Jesus can happen in surprising ways to unsuspecting people. We hope you will be encouraged.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 10:
Pastor Kyle will continues our series in the book of Acts by discussing the persecution faced by the early church and what God called his church to do in the face of hardship. We hope this message encourages your faith.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 9:
Hear Guest Preacher Pastor Mark Morrison share about Barnabas as seen throughout the Book of Acts. Pastor Mark gives a powerful invitation based on the example of faith we see through the life of Barnabas.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 8:
This week we engage in the story of Stephen, a man who stood out because of God’s work in his life. Join us as we learn from Stephen’s grace-filled last words in Acts chapter seven.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 7:
As we continue in the Book of Acts we're staying in chapter five again this week as we look at a miraculous release from prison and a vital charge to the early church. We hope you are encouraged this week.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 6:
This week we look at what seems to be a tragic event in the life of the early church. The story of Ananias and Sapphira is hard to read but reminds us of a core truth that matters even to this day.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin:
This Sunday we hear from Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin. Kevin, is the Director of the Set Free Movement, an international non-profit organization that seeks to end modern slavery, and create new futures for at-risk communities around the world today. He will share stories of God's generosity and inspire us to live the same way.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 5:
This Sunday we discuss how the disciples prayed for boldness in ministry and how we should join in that prayer for the church's work today. We are looking forward to this weekend.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 4:
This week we continue our series in the Book of Acts as we look at the beginning of Chapter Three. We talk about a critical moment of healing that let the world know that there is new life in Jesus.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 3:
This Sunday, we celebrate with baptisms at CrossView and continue in Acts as we look briefly at the Holy Spirit's impact on the world through empowered men and women of the early church.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 2:
In the second week of our Acts series we look at one of the most important moments in Acts 2, the giving of the Holy Spirit. We can't wait for this Sunday.
The Book of Acts Series - Week 1:
This Sunday we enjoy Fall Kick Off Sunday as we begin a new message series in the Book of Acts. In the first week we talk about a very important transition that happens between Jesus and the disciples.
Advent 2023 - Current Series
Christmas Sunday 2023:
Pastor Kyle talks about a group of people who radically changed in the story of Jesus's birth. He will explain that transformation in Jesus is possible for us as well. We hope your faith is encouraged.
Advent 2023 - Week 4: Christmas Eve:
This Christmas Eve Pastor Kyle talks about what it means that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Advent 2023 - Week 3: A Song Of Joy:
It’s the third week of Advent at CrossView Church. We will look at how the coming of Jesus is an opportunity to join in with a heavenly song of Joy. We hope you will be encouraged this week.
Advent 2023 - Week 2: A Peace Filled Reversal:
We celebrate the second week of Advent and look together at how the coming of Jesus at Christmas brings peace in a way we don't expect.
Advent 2023 - Week 1: Waiting & Hoping
It’s Advent! For the first week of the Advent Season, Pastor Kyle highlights how, in Advent, waiting and hoping are the twin anthems of the season.
Summer Psalms 2023
Summer Psalms 2023 - Week 5:
Join us as we end our Summer Psalms series with a look at a deeply loved Psalm, Psalm 139. This Psalm is like a balm to our soul as we hear from a loving God who knows each one of us. We hope you'll be encouraged this week.
Summer Psalms 2023 - Week 4:
As we continue our Summer Psalms series we look at Psalm 97 as it calls us to a very clear way of life; one where the Lord reigns over all things.
Summer Psalms 2023 - Week 3:
This Sunday we continue our Summer Psalms Series looking at Psalm 16. This Psalm encourages our confidence in God by calling us to look ahead to the saving work of Jesus.
Summer Psalms 2023 - Week 2:
For the second week of our Summer Psalms series as we look at Psalm 63. This is a powerful Psalm that calls us to a deep longing for God's presence and encourages us to come to God in any season of life.
Summer Psalms 2023 - Week 1:
As we kick off a new summer series in the Psalms, Pastor Kyle shares a message about God’s call to renew the church through a move of the Holy Spirit.
Words Matter Series
Words Matter: Week 14 - Witness:
This week we look at the book of Revelation and how its timeless message to the Church helps us to live as faithful witnesses to Jesus here and now.
Words Matter: Week 13 - Redemption:
Pastor Nikki talks about the biblical theme of redemption and how God’s heart is always for the redemption and restoration of his people.
Words Matter: Week 12 - Love and the Cross, Part 2:
Pastor Scott concludes a two-part message about Love and the Cross by exploring the biblical idea of agape love.
Words Matter: Week 11 - Love and the Cross, Part 1:
Pastor Scott Rossiter continues our Words Matter series with the first of two messages about Love and the Cross. We’ll hear how God's sacrificial love is the heart of his plan to save the world through Jesus.
Special Guest: Bernard Kalukusha
Rev. Bernard Kalukusha serves as the principal of the Great Commission Bible School in Malawi. We are honored to have Rev. Bernard as our special guest speaker this week.
Words Matter: Week 10 - Hope:
This week in our Words Matter series, we highlight the idea of Hope as found in Scripture and talk about how hope is essential to our faith.
Special Guest: Darin & Jill Land:
Dr. Darin Land shares with us a message from John 14 called "Offensive Peace." He'll share about how Jesus' peace actively seeks out the well-being of those around us with some updates and stories from around the Asia Area.
Words Matter: Week 9 - Life:
This week we’ll celebrate our graduating students, those moving into the Youth Group and talk about life! The Bible has a lot to say about concept of life, where it comes from and what it means for our daily actions. Join us this weekend.
Words Matter: Week 8 - Peace:
Join us this Sunday online or in-person at 10:00am. This week we look at the idea of Peace found throughout Scripture. We will talk about what it means for us individually, and what it means for how we live out our faith.
Words Matter: Week 7 - Fellowship:
This weekend we will continue our Words Matter series talking about a topic some people love and some people struggle with, the idea of Fellowship. We look at scripture and see how Fellowship is a vital aspect as we follow Jesus.
Words Matter: Week 6 - Holiness:
This weekend we continue our Words Matter series talking about the idea of Holiness. We look at scripture and see how Holiness is a wonderful calling in the life of a follower of Jesus.
Words Matter: Week 5 - Grace:
This Sunday we continue our Words Matter series with a discussion on the idea of Grace in the Bible. This powerful reality of the nature and action of God is one we benefit from and one we are called to live out each day.
Words Matter: Week 4 - Gospel:
This Sunday we continue our Words Matter series with a message that takes a close look at the meaning and significance of the word Gospel.
Words Matter: Week 3 - Forgiveness:
This Sunday in our Words Matter series, Pastor Nikki shares a message about Forgiveness. We hope this message encourages you.
Words Matter: Week 2 - Faith:
This Sunday we continue our series Words Matter. This week we focus on the idea of Faith in scripture. We hope you will be encouraged.
Words Matter: Week 1 - Righteousness:
This Sunday as we begin a new message series highlighting some of the most important words and concepts in scripture. We kick things off with a look at the idea of Righteousness.
Easter Sunday 2023
Easter 2023: The Resurrection of Jesus
This Sunday we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. We can't wait to celebrate together and reflect on how Jesus renews and redeems all things!
Palm Sunday 2023
Palm Sunday 2023: The King of Peace:
We are excited to kick off Holy Week with a look at Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and a reflection on one transformative aspect of what he did for us. We hope this week will encourage your faith.
Nehemiah: A Holy Discontent
Nehemiah Series: The Final Word
This week we conclude our series by looking at how the book of Nehemiah tells the story of the physical restoration of Jerusalem as well as the spiritual restoration of the people of God.
Nehemiah Series: Confidence In God:
This week Nehemiah reminds his people of a key truth found throughout the story of scripture. This truth is especially important when facing difficulty or opposition in life. We hope this week encourages your faith.
Nehemiah Series: It Takes a Village:
This week the chapter two and three of the Book of Nehemiah will encourage our faith by highlighting something that can sustain us when life gets hard.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Mark Morrison:
Join us as we hear from Pastor Mark Morrison. We are looking forward to see God move in our gathering this week and we hope your faith with be encouraged.
Nehemiah Series: A Waiting Faith:
Join us for the third week of our Nehemiah Series. This week Nehemiah shows us the benefit of waiting on God timing and stepping out in faith.
Nehemiah Series: Nehemiah’s Prayer:
This Sunday we look at Nehemiah's powerful prayer offered at the end of chapter one. It's a prayer we can learn from today and that is still wonderfully effective.
Nehemiah Series: A Holy Discontent:
This Sunday we begin a new message series on the book of Nehemiah. We think God will do a powerful work in our hearts and in our church as we look at Nehemiahs response to difficult news.
Prayer Series
Prayer Series: The Prayer of Participation:
As we conclude our message series on prayer, Pastor Kyle shares a few stories from his recent trip to Asia and invites us to a particular practice of prayer that connects with what God is doing around the world.
Prayer Series: A Conversation:
On this fifth week of our Prayer series, we talk with Pastors Scott and Nikki Rossiter about some of the highlights of the series and how they have seen God at work in the CrossView prayer group.
Prayer Series: The Prayer of the Ordinary
In this fourth week of our Prayer series, we consider how our everyday work, play, and relationships can be acts of prayer.
Prayer Series: The Prayer of Examen
In this third week of our Prayer series, we look at the prayer of Examen, a daily practice of reflection and transformation.
Prayer Series: The Posture of Prayer:
This Sunday in the second week of our prayer series, we look at a few passages of scripture that teach us how to approach God in prayer.
Prayer Series: The Paradise of God’s Presence:
Join us as we kick off 2023 with a new message series on Prayer. Pastor Kyle teaches on a framework for understanding prayer as seen throughout scripture.
Advent 2022
Advent 2022: Seeing the Unseen:
As we wrap up the season of Advent, Pastor Nikki teaches on the tender heart of God as seen through the women in Jesus' family.
Advent 2022: Everyday Significance:
We celebrate the third week of Advent by looking at the way that God uses unexpected places and unsuspecting people to bring the Messiah into the world. In the family of God everyone matters and is significant.
Advent 2022 - Wrestling With God:
For the second Sunday of Advent Pastor Holly will look at how wrestling with God is part of the DNA of God's people.
Advent 2022 - Week 1:
Join us as we kick off the Season of Advent. We'll talk about how Advent connects us to a larger family story of the people of God.
King David Series
King David - Week 11 - Ending Conversation:
This week is our final Sunday in the series on King David. Pastor Kyle and Pastor Holly highlight some of their main takeaways and share how the Lord worked in each of their hearts over the course of the past ten weeks.
King David - Week 10 - Fully Alive:
This Sunday we look at two very different approaches to the presence of God from 2 Samuel 6. We will be challenged and inspired by this story from the life of David.
King David - Week 9 - The Goal of The Gospel:
We continue our King David Series as we talk about one of the most famous stories from David’s life, the story of David and Bathsheba.
King David - Week 8 - Pastor Mark Morrison:
Pastor Mark continues our King David series by looking 1 Samuel 16, the story when David wads anointed by Samuel. Pastor Mark highlights several lessons we can learn about God in this story.
Freedom Sunday 2022 - Kevin Austin:
This week we celebrate Freedom Sunday and hear from Kevin Austin, the Director of the Set Free Movement. The Set Free Movement's mission is to mobilize faith communities, financial partners, and all segments of society towards ending human trafficking and creating new futures through community-based action.
King David - Week 7 - Surprising Love:
This Sunday we’ll look at a story where King David offered a gift to someone who wasn’t expecting to receive anything. We’ll talk about how Jesus asks the same of us.
King David - Week 6 - God’s Promise Through Us:
This Sunday we will look at a moment when David attempted to honor God and received a surprising response. Pastor Kyle will weave in more stories from his recent trip to Malawi as we reflect on God's lesson to King David.
King David - Week 5 - The Power to Serve:
This week we look at a few key requests made of David when he becomes King that have a powerful impact on his reign. Later Jesus follows this example which has an impact even to this day.
King David - Week 4 - A Fatih That Grows:
We continue our look at the life of David in 2 Samuel 5 and the moment he becomes King of Israel. Join us as we look at an import characteristic of David as he becomes King.
King David - Week 3 - Listening to God:
In 1 Samuel 25 David, not yet King, is strikingly confronted with a choice to listen to God or not.
King David - Week 2 - Anger and Fear:
This Sunday we look at a moment in the life of David where he gives into anger and fear, something to which we can all relate. Yet, God, in his faithfulness, attempts to disrupt David's downward spiral.
King David - Week 1 - Depending on God:
We begin a new message series focused on the biblical character of David. This week we kick things off with a look at a very familiar story - David and Goliath.
Philippians: Relentless Joy
Relentless Joy: Week 6
This Sunday we conclude our series on Relentless Joy with a discussion about learning how to be content by living in vital union with Jesus.
Relentless Joy: Week 5
This Sunday we continue our series on the book of Philippians with a message from Pastor Kevin Austin.
Relentless Joy: Week 4
This Sunday we continue our series on the book of Philippians with a message from Pastor Mark Morrison.
Relentless Joy: Humility and Joy
This Sunday we look at Philippians 2 and discuss one very practical and yet difficult practice that can lead to the experience of deep joy.
Relentless Joy: Joy and Suffering
This Sunday we discuss how joy and suffering are not mutually exclusive with the power of Jesus. Philippians gives us a great example of joy that coexists with hardship.
Relentless Joy: A Foundation for Joy
As we start a new message series in the book of Philippians we begin by looking at a few concepts that are foundational to relentless joy.
Summer Psalms 2022
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 6:
In the final week of our Summer Psalms series, we look at the final psalm, Psalm 150, and learn what it has to tell us about the entire book and our own story.
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 5:
Does God exist? How can we know who God is? Psalm 19 tells us about two great “books” that answer our questions about God.
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 4:
This Sunday we use Psalm 48 as a spring board to track God's presence throughout Scripture.
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 3:
This Sunday we look at one of the oldest Psalms in the book of Psalms and learn about God's character over generations.
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 2:
Psalm 18 is a triumphant Psalm of praise and thanks, but it's one born out of crisis and suffering. Join us this Sunday as we talk about how to see our circumstances in light of this Psalm of David.
Summer Psalms 2022 - Week 1:
Summer Psalms is back by popular demand! This Sunday we dive into the Psalms as we celebrate Baptisms and students moving up to the youth group.
Colossians: All Of Us - Week 6:
This Sunday we end our series in Colossians with a look at Pauls final plea for the Christian community which is a resounding call for all Christians even to this day.
Colossians: New Clothes - Week 5:
We continue in our Colossians series this Sunday as we talk about a few characteristics of what new life looks like in Jesus.
Special Guest - Seth Van Tifflin:
This Sunday as we hear from special guest, Seth Van Tifflin. Seth serves as part of our Asia Area Missions team and is the Executive Director of In Better Hands, a ministry dedicated to rescuing children at risk of trafficking and providing them with a loving Christian home.
Colossians: Fully Living - Week 4:
Colossians is full of challenge and encouragement for the Christian community. This week we will talk about how full life can be with Jesus.
Colossians: The Next Step - “You All” - Week 3:
This week we explore how Colossians helps us break through our cultural perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be part of the community of faith.
Colossians: Two Works That Change Everything - Week 2:
This Sunday we look at two exhilarating words from Colossians that help us define and live out our faith.
Colossians: Christ Is All - Week 1:
This Sunday we kick off a new message series on the book of Colossians. We join Paul as he begins his letter with a serious focus on the characteristics of Jesus. We will reflect together and ask about the main focus of our faith.
Easter Sunday 2022
Easter Sunday 2022:
This Sunday we reflect on the incredible gift we have been given in Jesus as we look at the story of the "man on the middle cross."
Palm Sunday 2022
Palm Sunday 2022:
Join us as we kick off Holy Week 2022. We'll think about our different expectations of Jesus and how Palm Sunday can transform how we approach the world around us.
Shaped By Jesus: 40 Days Of Life With Christ
Shaped By Jesus - Week 5:
In this final week of our Shaped By Jesus series, we look at how justice in the way of Jesus is an essential part of living in and for the kingdom of God.
Shaped By Jesus - Week 4:
In this fourth week of our Shaped By Jesus series we talk about courageously following Jesus, laying down our own desires for the way of the Kingdom.
Shaped By Jesus - Week 3:
In the third week of our Shaped By Jesus series we look at the way Jesus modeled love in his relationships and we will be challenged to follow his lead.
Shaped By Jesus - Week 2:
In the second week of our Shaped By Jesus series we look at how Jesus modeled obedience to God and discuss how we can follow his example.
Shaped By Jesus - Week 1:
This Sunday we begin a new message series looking at how our lives can be Shaped by Jesus in this season before Easter. We begin with the end in mind as we talk about Holiness.
Prayer Basics
Prayer Basics:
This Sunday Pastor Kyle teaches on Prayer as we look ahead to the season of Lent and life as a church in 2022.
Gaining Perspective - Pastor Mark Morrison
Gaining Perspective - Pastor Mark Morrison:
This week Pastor Mark shares a message called "Gaining Perspective" from Ephesians 3.
Sarah & Hagar - Pastor Holly Moe
Sarah & Hagar - Pastor Holly:
This Sunday we'll take a close look at the story of Sarah and Hagar, the wives of Abraham. Sarah and Hagar's relationship was characterized by bitterness and rivalry, yet through it we find a powerful demonstration of God's faithfulness and love.
What You Need, When You Need It - Special Guest Pastor Mark Morrison
What You Need, When You Need It - Mark Morrison:
Pastor Mark Morrison shares with us a message from 1 Kings 17. You will be challenged and encouraged by what God has done for us all.
Walking With Jesus
Walking With Jesus - Prayer in the Garden:
In the last Sunday of our Walking With Jesus Series we look at a powerful moment in Jesus' life as we look at his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Walking With Jesus - Outside the Camp:
This week we take a deeper look at Hebrews 13:11-16 as we talk about what it means to follow Jesus "outside the camp" even when it's uncomfortable to do so.
Walking With Jesus - Stuck At The Wall:
This Sunday we look at a powerful passage from Hebrews as we talk about how Jesus sets us free from the walls and barriers that keep us separated from God.
Walking With Jesus - Lessons from the Lake:
This Sunday we look at a fascinating encounter between Jesus and Peter in John 21 on the edge of the Sea of Galilee. We will learn a few important lessons from this encounter that will encourage our faith.
Walking With Jesus - City on a Hill:
This Sunday we start the new year with a new sermon series called, “Walking With Jesus.” In this series we will look at a few of Jesus’ well known teachings using pictures and stories from where he taught to help us understand what he taught. We hope you will be encouraged and challenged in the new year.
Christmas Service - 2021
Christmas at CrossView - 2021:
Watch as the CrossView staff takes loving action for the community, sing some Christmas carols, and briefly hear from Pastor Kyle and Pastor Holly. Merry Christmas, blessings on you all.
Advent Series 2021
Advent 2021 - Week 4 - Love:
In the final week of Advent, we focus on the profound love of God shown to us in the coming Jesus. Don't miss this Sunday as we end Advent and look ahead to Christmas Eve.
Advent 2021 - Week 3 - Joy:
For the third week of Advent we look at how biblical joy is not born of happy circumstances, but comes from something much deeper.
Advent 2021 - Week 2 - Peace:
Peace is a tricky subject in our world. The lack of peace seems like a glaring issue in many parts of our society. However, understanding the biblical definition of peace takes us beyond the absence of conflict to something much greater.
Advent 2021 - Week 1 - Hope:
This week we enter the Season of Advent. Advent is a time of waiting and reflection as we think about Jesus' coming into the world. Today we'll look at how God comes into the emptiness of our world and fills it with hope.
James Series
James Series - Week 3:
Controlling our tongue can be one of the most challenging things to do on a regular basis. James agrees as he pens some of his most direct teachings to the readers of his letter.
James Series - Week 2:
What do you think about when you hear the word religion? God's view of religion might come as a surprise when compared with how we tend to think about the topic.
James Series - Week 1:
This Sunday we start a new series looking at the Book of James. This short book is full of wisdom and practical instruction for faithfully following Jesus every day.
Special Guest: Dr. Darin Land
In The Know - Dr. Darin Land:
Hear from special guest Dr. Darin Land. Darin serves as part of the Asia Area Missions Team for Free Methodist World Mission. Darin's role sees him focusing on training and leadership development for pastors and missionaries all over Asia.
Drawing the Crowd: A Conversation on Mission
Drawing the Crowd: A Conversation on Mission:
Pastor Holly and Pastor Kyle have a discussion on the topic of "Mission." They will explain what that means and how we should be living out our faith in this fall and holiday season.
The Free Methodist Way Series
The Free Methodist Way: Week 5 - God Given Revelation:
We hold unwaveringly to our conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. Join us this Sunday as we look at the final value of the Free Methodist Way.
The Free Methodist Way: Week 4 - Cross-Cultural Collaboration:
From the beginning, God's intent was to have a people from every nation, culture and ethnicity, united in Christ and commissioned to carry out His work in the world. This Sunday we talk about the Free Methodist value of Cross-Cultural Collaboration.
The Free Methodist Way: Week 3 - Love-Driven Justice:
Kevin Austin, Director of The Set Free Movement, shares with us about Love-Driven Justice and how the Set Free Movement is working all over the world in the direction of freedom.
The Free Methodist Way: Week 2 - Christ Compelled Multiplication:
The second value of our larger denominational family is one that is an important part of what it means to follow Jesus. In fact, Jesus gave all of us this task; pass on what you have received.
The Free Methodist Way: Week 1 - Life Giving Holiness:
We kick off a new series looking at five values that shape the heart of our larger denominational family, The Free Methodists. We start by looking at God’s call to be Holy with the value "Life-Giving Holiness."
Summer Psalms 2021 Series:
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 7:
As we end our Summer Psalms series we look at Psalm 139 and the fact that it reminds us that we can both know God and be known by God. Make sure to read this weeks devotion written by Pastor Ryan Beagle. Pastor Ryan was also a guest on our Weekly Discussion Podcast.
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 6:
Have you ever been somewhere that you didn’t want to leave? That is the situation found in Psalm 84, and that is what we look at this week in our weekly message. The psalmist had an incredible experience with God and he didn’t want it to end.
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 5:
Psalm 97 is one of a group of seven called the “enthronement psalms.” It not only helps us keep God is his rightful place, but also asks us to reflect on a difficult question.
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 4:
Psalm 23 is the biblical version of standing on the beach and looking at the ocean, but it assumes that life will be difficult and helps us remember the provision of God.
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 3:
This week we look at another Psalm from David as he helps us navigate what to do when we face difficult life situations. Don't miss this week!
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 2:
Psalm 32 is an encouraging Psalm even as it calls us to a spiritual practice we don’t like very much. Yet, as we’ll see the benefits of this healthy spiritual rhythm make it all with the doing.
Summer Psalms 2021 - Week 1:
As we begin a new message series in the book of Psalms, we look at Psalm 8 and are reminded of God’s nature as we are encouraged to worship with all that we are.
Special Guest - Asia Area Director Eric Spangler
Asia Area Director Eric Spangler shares a powerful message about how God calls us to “get used to different” how we can find joy by fixing our eyes on Jesus.
Special Guest - Mark Morrison: Identity Theft
Identity Theft - Pastor Mark Morrison:
"Who am I really?" Pastor Mark Morrison addresses this question and shares how we can discover our true identity in Jesus.
Abundant Grace - Galatians Series
Abundant Grace: Galatians - Week 5
This week we wrap up our series in the book of Galatians by asking what it means to have freedom in Jesus. Are our options limited to either law or license, or is there a better way?
Abundant Grace: Galatians - Week 4:
This Sunday as we continue in our Galatians series we look at the inheritance that comes from faith. Join us in-person or online at 9:00 or 10:30am.
Abundant Grace: Galatians - Week 3:
What does it mean to be "made right with God?" What does your relationship with God look like through Jesus? Galatians addresses these questions and this morning so will we.
Abundant Grace: Galatians - Week 2:
This Sunday Pastor Kyle looks at what feels like a knock-down-drag-out confrontation between two heavy weights of the early church, Peter & Paul. We look at the tension between fear and confidence in Jesus.
Abundant Grace: Galatians - Week 1:
This Sunday, we start a new series in the book of Galatians. Pastor Kyle will kick things off as we look at chapter one and celebrate a God of love and grace.
Discipleship Pathway Discussion
Reach Others - Discussion:
For a second week Pastor Kyle and Pastor Holly share in a discussion, this time about how we can love people around us, building deeply meaningful relationships that will encourage people to being their own journey with Jesus.
Connect with Each Other - Discussion:
This Week Pastor Kyle and Pastor Holly hold a discussion talking in more depth about how we plan to connect deeply with others at CrossView Church.
Special Guest - Mark Morrison: Stay in the Boat
Stay in the Boat - Pastor Mark Morrison:
This week Pastor Mark Morrison shares a powerful message about God’s faithfulness in difficult times. He encourages us to stay close to Jesus.
I AM Series
The Resurrection and the Life - I Am Series - Week 6:
In the last week of our I Am Series we take a look at John 11 and the well know story of Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus is all we need in life and in death.
The Good Shepherd - I Am Series - Week 5:
This week Pastor Holly teaches on Jesus’ statement, “I Am the good shepherd.” Pastor Holly shares incredible insight on this passage that will encourage you and deepen your faith in Jesus.
The Vine - I Am Series - Week 4:
In John 15 Jesus takes a moment to encourage his closest friends too ‘remain’ with him in the difficulty of what they are about to face. Then Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and branch to explain how it all works.
The Way the Truth and the Life - I Am Series - Week 3:
This week we dive into this tender moment when Jesus tells his disciples he is the way the truth and the life. Jesus again makes powerful connections to the Old Testament story. Don’t miss this one!
Light of the World - I Am Series - Week 2:
For the second week of our I Am series we look at Jesus’ statement, “I am the light of the world.” Pastor Kyle gives some context that helps us understand more depth around this well know saying of Jesus.
Bread of Life - I Am Series - Week 1:
This week we start a new series on six of the "I Am" statements of Jesus. Join Pastor Kyle as he introduces the series and talks briefly about Jesus as the bread of life.
Holy Week 2021
Easter Sunday - Jesus is Calling Your Name:
Happy Easter! What an incredible day as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together. Join Pastor Kyle as he highlights a powerful moment with Jesus and Mary Magdalen that changes everything.
Palm Sunday - High Drama in Jerusalem
Did you know that Jesus’ entry into the city of Jerusalem likely wasn’t the only one? Pastor Kyle highlights the significance of what Jesus did that Palm Sunday so long ago.
Unsettled Series - Week 7 - Active Love
The type of love Jesus calls us to live out is difficult. It’s difficult because we’re told its the type of love that should even include our enemies.
Unsettled Series - Week 6 - An Unmasked Heart
One thing we all love to do is to manage our image and control what others think of us. This week we look at how Jesus calls us to a different kind of life.
Unsettled Series - Week 5 - Those Who Mourn
This week we jump back to the beginning of Matthew and focus on how God comforts who mourn - these are powerful words from Jesus that we all need right now.
Unsettled Series - Week 4 - Anger Issues
In this week of our series we look at what Jesus has to say about Anger in the sermon on the mount. Jesus counties to challenge his listeners to deeper levels of faith.
Unsettled Series - Week 3 - The Panorama of Grace:
In this third week of our series we look at how Jesus connects himself with the larger story of scripture and reframes for his hearers what’s most important.
Unsettled Series - Week 2 - Salt & Light:
This week we explore the two powerful metaphors of Salt & Light and what that means for our life of faith.
Unsettled Series - Week 1 - Kingdom Tendencies:
Pastor Kyle introduces a new teaching series focused on the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7. This week we compare Kingdom Tendencies verse cultural tendencies.
rythms of grace Series
Rhythms of Grace - Week 5 - Silence & Solitude:
Pastor Kyle teaches on Silence and Solitude by highlighting passages from the Old and New Testament.
Rhythms of Grace - Week 4 - Sabbath:
Pastor Holly talks about the formation of a regular rhythm of Sabbath.
Rhythms of Grace - Week 3 - Scripture:
Pastor Kyle discusses the benefits of developing a regular rhythm of reading scripture.
Rhythms of Grace - Week 2 - Prayer:
Pastor Kyle highlights the Lord’s prayer and teaches on a tool that might help you develop a regular rhythm of prayer in your life.
Rhythms of Grace - Week 1:
Pastor Kyle kicks off our Rhythms of Grace series teaching on Matthew 11 and Jesus’ invitation to His unforced rhythms of grace.