January 11, 2021: Board Nominations
Hello CrossView Church,
I don’t know about you but I’m thankful to be moving past 2020 and into a new year. I know that on many levels 2020 has been a difficult year for so many, 2021 has also not had the easiest beginning. I also want to encourage each of you to trust in and rely on the Lord in these days. There is hope in 2021 - it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel - but we are not quite there yet!
One passage that has been meaningful to me in recent weeks comes from Lamentations 3:21-23, it says: “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." What wonderful words to hold onto as we look forward to a new year!
I want to update you on a few things here at CrossView. As we enter a new year it's customary for us to have for our annual church meeting - and we want to do that! However, at this point, we are planning to have a Covid style annual meeting.
Currently, we are planning for a late February annual church meeting which will be online and facilitated through Zoom. As soon as we finalize the date and time for the meeting we will send out an invite with instructions on how best to join.
At that meeting we will share some ministry reports and financial reports, we will look ahead into 2021 highlighting our new directional pathway, and we will do a few business items like the vote on open board positions for the coming year.
Did you know that your board of administration has been a wonderful, capable, and vital part of church leadership over a very difficult season? They have! We meet once a month over zoom and I’m exceedingly thankful for each of them - it has been a fun group to be part of even in the difficulty of this past year.
At our upcoming annual church meeting, we will need to elect one new board member as Tom Wier’s term is expiring as well as a new treasurer as Paige Buurstra’s term has also expired.
For the next several weeks we are asking for nominations for our open board and treasurer positions. Down below you will see a link to a nomination form on which you can submit names for either position. There are nominee and board descriptions listed on the form for you to read.
Once nominated, names will go to our nominating committee which will vet each nomination and check-in with those nominated. Once we arrive at a final slate of names, those names will go to the board for approval and then onto a vote at our annual church meeting. Voting will happen online and we are working out the best way to facilitate an online vote.
We are looking forward to this time together and will keep you updated regarding any changes that happen over the next month. Let us know if you have any questions. You can email me at kyle@mycrossview.com or the office at office@mycrossview.com.
Keep checking in with each other, invite others to join in at CrossView, spend time with the Lord as he continues to sustain us, lead us, and guide us through this trying year.
Blessings on you all!