CrossView Official Board Nominations - 2022
Updates & Online Form
Hi CrossView!
I hope you are enjoying this Advent Season as much as I am. We've had some wonderful times of worship and prayer these past few weeks, and I'm looking forward to more in the weeks to come as we move closer to Christmas.
Speaking of looking forward, it's time for us to look a bit ahead to our annual church meeting next February and the election of new official board members.
Okay, so Pastor Kyle, if our annual meeting isn't until February, why are we talking about it now?! Good question. First, we need time for you to nominate potential board members, and second, we need time to contact those nominated before our meeting in February.
We've created an online nomination form, which is linked below, on which you can read about the role of the official board as well as board member duties and qualifications. Our board is an incredible group of faithful leaders who have served well in the difficulty of these past few years, and I'm so thankful for each one of them.
This is an exciting year for nominations as we need to reset a few things regarding this team! Our board has been operating two members short since before I came to CrossView. We currently have a five-member official board. However, our church bylaws and our book of discipline require us to operate with a seven-member official board. So this year, we are going to get back to seven members on our board team.
We also need to reset the rotation of how many board terms expire each year so that we don't have a majority of the board leaving at any one time, as is happening this year. Resetting this rotation will help us maintain some leadership overlap and consistency in the years to come.
In order to reset the rotation, for this year only, we will be electing two one-year positions and three positions that will serve the standard three-year term. These elections, along with our continuing board members, will get us back to a seven-member official board with only two or three terms expiring each year (see below):
This is an exciting team to be part of, and I'd ask you to prayerfully consider whom you might nominate for this essential team in our church. As always, let me know if you have any questions. Happy nominating!
Open Board Positions:
Member at Large: Open (New) 2022
Member at Large: Open (New) 2022
Member at Large: Traci Bianchini 2023
Treasurer: Justin Haney 2023
Member at Large: Open 2024
Member at Large: Open 2024
Member at Large: Open 2024
Board Member Terms Expiring:
Tom Walker 2021
Hanna Groome 2021
Char Seawell 2021