Guest Preacher - Thom & Sherry Cahill


Every so often, we will have a guest speaker at CrossView Church. We are so grateful for the gifted women and men that serve the Lord through teaching the word. This week we hear from Thom & Sherry Cahill. The Cahill’s serve with Free Methodist World Missions in Asia. Thom and Sherry Cahill work in spiritual formation and leadership development in Asia. They help recruit teachers, coordinate Gethsemane Leadership Training modules, work with the Leadership Lift video training, and mentor/coach leaders. Additionally, the Cahills edit video scripts and videos for the Asia Team and teach in their areas of giftedness. Thom and Sherry have three adult children and two grandchildren who live in the U.S. You can learn more about Thom & Sherry at the FMWM Asia webpage.

Usually, when we have a guest speaker, we will not have a weekly devotion. We encourage you to watch the message again at some point throughout the week.

Blessings on you and your week.

Pastor Kyle