“What I mean to insist upon is that spiritual writing - Spirit-sourced writing - requires spiritual reading, a reading that honors words as holy, words as a basic means of forming an intricate web of relationships between God and the human, between all things visible and invisible.”
I recently bought a helpful resource called Unfolding Grace. It’s a book that highlights 40 major passages of scripture in the bible. It’s written in a more narrative form and its goal is to tell the overarching story of scripture in an engaging way that’s easy for people who may be at the beginning of their journey with God. This resource also comes with a workbook which provides an opportunity to answer some questions about what one might be reading. I like these resources. I also really like the title they choose, “Unfolding Grace,” what a great way to think about the story told in scripture.
Much could be said about the beauty, majesty, power, and wonder of scripture. We read in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that,
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”
It’s not hyperbole to say that in the pages of Scripture you will find life. God reveals himself and the story of his unfolding grace in the pages of this sacred text and it can speak directly into your situation. I write this as a gentle encouragement to develop a rhythm of time with the book that is the primary text for all Christian spirituality - and the primary venue of God’s revelation to the world.
Eugene Peterson writes in his book, Eat This Book, “Reading [scripture] is an immense gift, but only if the words are assimilated, taken into the soul - eaten, chewed, gnawed, received in unhurried delight.” When is the last time you sat down with the Bible in unhurried delight?
Almost four years ago I drastically changed my schedule. I had recently returned from an overseas trip and found myself waking up each morning around 4:00am. Those first few mornings were an incredible gift. I was wide awake and so decided to take advantage of the quiet (which was a dream come true with young children) and spend time reading the bible. My heart was so refreshed and enlivened by the words of scripture on those mornings that I decided to make that early morning routine permanent. These days I wake up around 4:45am, go for a run, then spend time in scripture - it’s still a joy!
Honestly, there are some mornings where I find myself giving in to the temptation to spend too much time reading the news, or looking at social media - which these days feels like is instant “doom spiraling” - but I always come back to scripture even if it’s for a few minutes and find a loving God who confronts me with the truth and invites me into an ever-deepening relationship.
In fact, I think during these very difficult days with all that is happening in our country it’s exceedingly important for each of us to reflect on the volume of time we spend letting various news sources shape our heart and mind. We also need to be reflective on those particular sources we rely on for our information. How does the volume of time and the sources you choose compare to the amount of time you let the scripture and the truth of Jesus shape your thinking and actions?
The way of our culture is not the same way of the Kingdom of God. It’s clear to me in these days there has been some tangling of concepts about what it means to follow Jesus and our hope for a particular cultural and/or political outcome. The best avenue we have to begin some needed disentangling is to spend copious amounts of time with and in the scripture. May I ask you again, when is the last time you sat down with the Bible in unhurried delight?
I want to encourage you to carve out some time for this vital rhythm. Even if you’ve been following Jesus for a long time, don’t be so familiar with the story that you lose a sense of awe and wonder at the truth told in the pages of the Bible. Below you’ll find some resources that might help you rekindle a love for Scripture and carve out some time for this vital rhythm. Don’t be afraid to get caught up in the story of God’s unfolding grace that is focused on our redemption and the redemption of the world. Blessings on your week!
Resources for Learning: